A prediction of the river flow at Kingston-upon-Thames in 2 day's time.
The flow prediction for river flow for the Thames at Kingston in 2 days time is
The prediction model is very much a work in progress, and the prediction should not be relied on or seen as anything more than a guess. There are also periods when the source data from the Environment Agency lags behind, so there may be missing recent data.
The calculation is based on the rainfall at gauges in the Kingston catchment and the actual river flow for the last 8 days
It makes a prediction for 2 days hence
The model was trained on the past 4 years of data
Source data is at 15 minute intervals, aggregated to rolling 24 hour windows
The model does not yet take account of temperature (which may affect evaporation of the rainfall) or
the tide (although the river is in theory non-tidal, a very high tide can affect river flow above Teddington)
The model is a fairly simple Neural Net (although a linear regression may do about as well)